Our process is tailored to the project that we’re working to complete, but we always focus on four key phases. Before we jump into the phases, we need to meet you! It is preferred to meet in person and begin discussing your project. After gathering a few key details we can move into a more formalized process.
Dreams. Visions. Design.
In this discovery phase, we begin to discuss the specifics of the project. We’ll typically try to cover some of the following information in our initial meeting
Size and type of home to be built
Client needs
Client wants
Price range
Value Engineering Recommendations and Budget Planning
Coordination with Architect and/or Designer
Confirm Resources, Supplies, & Labor Force Availability
What is included in our build
Home Design
Once we’ve completed the initial discovery intake, we can begin the financial aspects.
Budget. Contract. Finance.
In this phase we are working to create the budget per the newly designed home. A specification sheet and contract will also be completed. Financing will be supported as needed with the institution of your choice.
Budget file created and shared with client
Specification sheet will be completed to capture the project scope and details
Contract will be written and signed by Oetman Construction and the client
Financial institutional support provided for the construction loan
Plan. Schedule. Build.
In this phase we are managing the daily details of your project as it progresses. Communication frequency and method is set by the client, but available via phone, email, or on-site. Regular face to face check in and site walk through is encouraged depending on schedules.
Site Plan & Site Prep
Develop Master Schedule
Regular meetings upon builder & client request
Single point accountability & control
Safety on the job site
Management of subcontractors & specialists
Minimizing neighborhood impact
Cost management to budget
Completion. Walk-Through. Punch List.
After all of the time you've spent planning and dreaming, you're no doubt ready to move into your new home. After final inspection has taken place and occupancy permit is granted, Oetman Construction will deliver cleanliness, explain how things function, and turn over a quality home that will stand the test of time.
Final Inspection and Occupancy Permit
Punch List
Closure of Financing
Continued Care